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Granta 167: Extraction

Essays & Memoir | Issue 167

As They Laid Down Their Cables

Laleh Khalili

‘The Eilat–Ashkelon pipeline went into operation in 1969, on the eve of the nationalisation of oil.’

Laleh Khalili on energy politics and the ‘secret’ pipeline transporting crude oil across southern Israel.

In Conversation | Issue 167 padlock

The Extracted Earth

Thea Riofrancos

‘It’s perhaps hard to imagine a country with abundant mineral or oil reserves simply leaving that wealth underground. But there are precedents here, historical and contemporary.’

Granta interviews Thea Riofrancos.

Art & Photography | Issue 167 padlock

The Last Freeminers of England

William Atkins & Tereza Červeňová

‘It is a principle of freemining that you leave nothing of value on site, nothing other than the mine itself, which is of value only to a freeminer.’

William Atkins visits the Forest of Dean, with photography by Tereza Červeňová.

Fiction | Issue 167 padlock

The True Depth of a Cave

Rachel Kushner

‘When you live underground, among the things you discover is that you are not alone.’

Fiction by Rachel Kushner.

Essays & Memoir | Issue 167 padlock

Wagner in Africa

James Pogue

‘Many people in the country seem happy to accept mercenaries in exchange for stability.’

James Pogue on the Wagner Group in the Central African Republic.

From the Archive

Essays & Memoir | Issue 65

A Small Bengal, NW3

Amit Chaudhuri

‘Those who stayed on had their reasons. . . and none of those reasons, it is safe to suppose, had anything to do with an overwhelming attachment to England.’

An essay by Amit Chaudhuri.

Art & Photography | Issue 25

Means of Transport

John Berger

‘Use these photos as means of transport. Ride on them. No passes needed. Go close. Imprudently close. They leave every minute.’

John Berger on images of violent dispossession from South Africa and Lesotho.

Essays & Memoir | Issue 8

Sugar Daddy

Angela Carter

‘However unconsciously, as if that were an excuse, he’d prepared a potentially lethal bed for this daughter’s lover.’

Angela Carter about her father.

Highlights From Granta Books

Recommended Reading

Essays & Memoir | Issue 165

From Zanzibar to Marbach

Abdulrazak Gurnah

‘The tragedies inflicted on the people of East Africa as a result of European rivalries are belittled and forgotten.’

Abdulrazak Gurnah on German East Africa.

Essays & Memoir | Issue 165 padlock

Last Week at Marienbad

Lauren Oyler

‘The only thing on the schedule was spa.’

Lauren Oyler on her trip to Marienbad.

Poetry | Issue 162 padlock

Ecstatic Joy and Its Variants

Peter Gizzi

‘surely this is about water jetting from a spring, / a languid rafting with no particular destination’

Poetry by Peter Gizzi.

Fiction | Issue 111

Missing Out

Leila Aboulela

‘She had held the day up with pegs; not only her day but his too.’

Fiction by Leila Aboulela.

News, Prizes and Events


When I Sing, Mountains Dance and Chilean Poet Shortlisted for Oxford-Weidenfeld Translation Prize

When I Sing, Mountains Dance by Irene Sola (trans. Mara Faye Lethem) and Chilean Poet by Alejandro Zambra (trans. Megan McDowell) are both shortlisted for the Oxford-Weidenfeld Translation Prize.


Our Share of Night Shortlisted for The Kitschies

Our Share of Night by Mariana Enriquez (trans. Megan McDowell) is shortlisted for The Kitschies Red Tentacle award, awarded to speculative, sci-fi and fantasy novels.


I’m A Fan Wins a British Book Award

I'm A Fan by Sheena Patel wins the Book of the Year: Discover Award at the British Book Awards.