International Journal for Multiscale Computational Engineering Magazine cover
International Journal for Multiscale Computational Engineering

Published 6 issues per year

ISSN Print: 1543-1649

ISSN Online: 1940-4352

The Impact Factor measures the average number of citations received in a particular year by papers published in the journal during the two preceding years. 2017 Journal Citation Reports (Clarivate Analytics, 2018) IF: 1.4 To calculate the five year Impact Factor, citations are counted in 2017 to the previous five years and divided by the source items published in the previous five years. 2017 Journal Citation Reports (Clarivate Analytics, 2018) 5-Year IF: 1.3 The Immediacy Index is the average number of times an article is cited in the year it is published. The journal Immediacy Index indicates how quickly articles in a journal are cited. Immediacy Index: 2.2 The Eigenfactor score, developed by Jevin West and Carl Bergstrom at the University of Washington, is a rating of the total importance of a scientific journal. Journals are rated according to the number of incoming citations, with citations from highly ranked journals weighted to make a larger contribution to the eigenfactor than those from poorly ranked journals. Eigenfactor: 0.00034 The Journal Citation Indicator (JCI) is a single measurement of the field-normalized citation impact of journals in the Web of Science Core Collection across disciplines. The key words here are that the metric is normalized and cross-disciplinary. JCI: 0.46 SJR: 0.333 SNIP: 0.606 CiteScore™:: 3.1 H-Index: 31

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Aims and Scope

The aim of the journal is to advance the research and practice in diverse areas of Multiscale Computational Science and Engineering. The journal will publish original papers and educational articles of general value to the field that will bridge the gap between modeling, simulation and design of products based on multiscale principles. The scope of the journal includes papers concerned with bridging of physical scales, ranging from the atomic level to full scale products and problems involving multiple physical processes interacting at multiple spatial and temporal scales. The emerging areas of computational nanotechnology and computational biotechnology and computational energy sciences are of particular interest to the journal. The journal is intended to be of interest and use to researchers and practitioners in academic, governmental and industrial communities.

Call for Papers: Special Issue on Multiscale Numerical Simulations in Underground Space Engineering

Underground space engineering encompasses a broad spectrum of activities, from designing and constructing tunnels and underground facilities to analyzing and evaluating their performance. These underground spaces play a crucial role in housing critical infrastructure like transportation networks, data centers, and utilities, while also serving as emergency shelters and storage facilities. The growing significance of underground spaces is driven by factors such as urbanization, the need for secure and sustainable infrastructure, and the desire to optimize land use.

In recent years, there has been a remarkable surge in interest in improving the design, analysis, and performance of these underground spaces. This surge is primarily motivated by the need to address complex challenges associated with subsurface development. These challenges include ensuring ground stability, considering environmental impact, and enhancing resilience to natural and man-made hazards. Consequently, substantial research and development efforts have been dedicated to this field, leading to groundbreaking innovations in design, construction materials, and techniques.

This special issue aims to compile a collection of research articles that showcase the latest innovations in multiscale numerical simulations for underground space engineering. We invite original research articles that cover a broad spectrum of topics related to numerical methods and their applications in underground space engineering.

Topics of interest include but are not limited to the following:

1. Multiscale numerical simulations for the design and analysis of underground space engineering, taking into account geotechnical and geological conditions.
2. Advanced numerical methods (FEM, DEM, DDA, MPM, CFD-DEM, etc.) and simulations to assess multi-hazard scenarios in underground spaces.
3. Applications of machine learning in predicting material behavior and structural response in underground environments.
4. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) for modeling groundwater flow, seepage, and environmental impact in underground space engineering.
5. Morphological characterization of soil particles for enhanced understanding of soil behavior.
6. Multiscale random field characterization of geotechnical and geological properties for improved site-specific analysis.
7. Probabilistic and reliability analysis of underground space engineering, considering geotechnical, geological, and structural uncertainty.

Guest editors:

Dr. Linchong Huang
School of Civil and Engineering,
Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou, China

Dr. Qiushi Chen
Associate Professor
Glenn Department of Civil Engineering
Clemson University, Clemson SC, USA

Dr. Wei Sun
Associate Professor
School of Civil and Engineering,
Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou, China

Dr. Zhengshou Lai
Associate Professor
School of Civil and Engineering,
Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou, China

Submission Deadline: June 30, 2025

Submission Instructions

Manuscripts (original research or comprehensive review) must be prepared according to the Instructions to Authors on the journal website and submitted via the Begell House journal submission portal (Begell House − International Journal for Multiscale Computational Engineering). Please select “Special issue: Multiscale Numerical Simulations in Underground Space Engineering” when submitting manuscripts.

Call for Papers: Special Issue on Advances in Multiscale Modeling and Simulation in Mechanics and Materials

This special issue of the International Journal for Multiscale Computational Engineering aims to present the latest advancements in the field of multiscale modeling and numerical analysis, focusing on computational mechanics and material behaviors. The issue invites contributions that delve into various time and spatial scales, as well as the interactions between them, to enhance our understanding and predictive capabilities of complex systems and advanced materials.

Topics of interest encompass a wide range of areas including, but not limited to:
- Multiphysics and multiscale modeling
- Multiscale modeling of architectured materials
- Advanced numerical methods
- Biomedical and industrial applications
- Innovative and advanced materials
- Behavior modeling of functional and adaptive materials
- Data driven and AI-based modeling for heterogeneous material behaviors
- Integrative modeling approaches

By exploring these topics, researchers can address critical challenges in engineering, science, and technology, enabling advancements in fields such as computational mechanics, mechanics of materials, material science, damage mechanics, biomechanics, and advanced manufacturing processes.

This special issue serves as a platform to showcase innovative research, case studies, and critical perspectives in this rapidly evolving fields. Authors are encouraged to submit original articles that not only present new findings but also contribute to the progress of research in this crucial area.

Guest editors:

Abdelwahed Barkaoui
International University of Rabat, Morocco

Fethi Abbassi
American University of the Middle East (AUM), Kuwait

Taral Ben Zineb
University of Lorraine, France

Submission Instructions

Manuscripts (original research or comprehensive review) must be prepared according to the Instructions to Authors on the journal website and submitted via the Begell House journal submission portal (Begell House − International Journal for Multiscale Computational Engineering). Please select “Special issue: Advances in Multiscale Modeling and Simulation in Mechanics and Materials” when submitting manuscripts.